
Showing posts from April, 2007

connection pool with spring

 <!--  demo connection pool definition  -->  <bean id="demoConnectionProxy" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">   <property name="targetSource" ref="demoConnectionPool"/>  </bean>  <!-- demo pooling service that holds objects in a configurable Jakarta Commons Pool -->  <bean id="demoConnectionPool" class="">   <property name="maxSize" value="20"/>   <property name="targetBeanName" value="demoConnection"/>  </bean>  <!--  Demo connection bean -->  <bean id="demoConnection" class="com.demo.DemoConnection" singleton="false">   <property name="gateway" value=""/>   <property name="port" value="yyyy"/>  </bean>


SmartSVN is a graphical client for Subversion (SVN), an Open Source version control system...

Random Password Generator

Having a difficult time thinking up a password? Need to automatically generate a password as part of a larger application? This script can help! It randomly creates a password of any specified length using alphabetic and numeric input.