
Showing posts from October, 2012

Loading external spring properties in annotation based Spring 3.1 application

"As opposed to using XML namespace element, the Java @PropertySource annotation does not automatically register a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer with Spring. Instead, the bean must be explicitly defined in the configuration to get the property resolution mechanism working." Loading in AppConfig @Configuration @ComponentScan({ "package1","package2" ...}) @ImportResource("classpath:/someOtherImports.xml") public class AppConfig {          static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppConfig.class);     /**      * Load spring properties      */     @Bean     public PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer properties(){       String propertiesLocation = System.getProperty("config.dir") + "/";       PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer pspc = new PropertySourc...

Webservice versioning

"A new version of a Web service contract that continues to support consumer programs designed to work with the old version is considered backwards-compatible. From a design perspective, this means that the new contract has not changed in such a way that it can impact existing consumer programs that are already using the contract. A simple example of a backwards-compatible change is the addition of a new operation to an existing WSDL definition ..."

"... if you sneeze, you get a story point"

fantastic article about agile and scrum. For those who think scrum is now the solution, the answer is: NO .... :) It doesn't matter which technology or methodology you use, you need the right people.

Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism

Dependency management is one of the features of Maven that is best known to users and is one of the areas where Maven excels. There is not much difficulty in managing dependencies for a single a project, but when you start getting into dealing with multi-module projects and applications that consist of tens or hundreds of modules this is where Maven can help you a great deal in maintaining a high degree of control and stability.

An academical presentation of REST

Roy Fielding's dissertation "Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures" CHAPTER 5 - Representational State Transfer (REST)

Spring Integration, MuleESB and Apache Camel

A quick an helpful comparesation of the 3 major integration frameworks - Spring Integration, MuleESB and Apache Camel - provided by Kai Wähner. "And the winner is… … all three integration frameworks, because they are all lightweight and easy to use – even for complex integration projects. It is awesome to integrate several different technologies by always using the same syntax and concepts – including very good testing support. My personal favorite is Apache Camel due to its awesome Java, Groovy and Scala DSLs, combined with many supported technologies..."