
Showing posts from August, 2019

RSocket Protocol

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Multiplexing is a method in HTTP/2

"Multiplexing is a method in HTTP/2 by which multiple HTTP requests can be sent and responses can be received asynchronously via a single TCP connection. Multiplexing is the heart of HTTP/2 protocol..." Read more here:

Java8 Streams, Thread pools and Parallelization

"Honestly, I had never heard of it, so I set out on my quest to find the answer somewhere on the Internet and make this post to attempt to follow up on the posted comment..." Read the article here:

Docker ABC

Intoduction to Docker Docker Compose To create multi-container application (Stack). It allows you to compose multiple services (containing a docker image) in a single file. A compose file can consist of multiple services (containing a docker image). All services within a compose file will join the same "network". By default, the name of the service within the compose file will be the host name of that container within the same network. E.g in following compose file: services:     db:         image: ...     application:         image: ... the host name of the database from within the application container will be "db". LIMITATION: docker compose file will only run on one single machine. (Use docker swarm for that purpose). However, the compose file can be used to run on a swarm. Introduction to Docker Swarm                           ...

Log requests with Spring boot Zuul proxy

"An easy way to capture the incoming requests to your server and replay them can be very useful..."