
Showing posts from July, 2008

ADD-ONS - Tamper Data

Use tamperdata to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters...

Portlet with Spring Portlet MVC

Developing a Portlet with Spring Portlet MVC and SimpleFormController A previous article explained the basics of developing a Portlet. This article will introduce the Spring Portlet MVC Framework for developing Portlets. Specifically, this article will help you create a new Portlet using the SimpleFormController available in the Spring Portlet MVC Framework...


Right: Are the results RIGHT?    // format, range, cardinality ... B: Are all the BOUNDARY conditions correct?   // age 334?!!, month 14? I: Can you test the INVERSE relationship?  // C: Can you CROSS-CHECK using other methods/means?  //  calculate it in the tes method to crosscheck E: Can you force ERRORS? // io exception, no db or network connection etc. P: Are PERFORMANCE conditions within bounds? // loadtest S: Alwasy go for the whole SET See more: